Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Think We are on a Role......

Allan and I both just finished the Austin 1/2 Marathon this past Sunday, February 15th. This was our 2nd 1/2 Marathon in 3 months. I think we are addicted! :) We participated in the 1/2 marathon with some friends in Austin. This was their 1st 1/2 marathon and they all made it to the finish line!! Everyone did so well and were so happy they did it!

The course was very hilly, but very Austinie. I didn't run this one, because I am 12 weeks prego! I had been running after the Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon, and then found out right after the new year that I was pregnant and my body needed to slow down. So I walked the race with my girlfriends and sister....we actually probably jogged about 1.25 miles and walked the rest. Our time was good for a walker, 3hours 37minutes. Not to bad, huh?! Allan's time was 2hours20minutes....I was very proud of him, especially with all the difficult hills there were on the course! He is really hoping to run the full Rock and Roll Marathon in November. I would do it with him, but being that I will be giving birth in early September, not too sure if my body will be up to it! LOL I may run the half, who knows...not making any commitments yet!
We spent our Valentine's day in Austin. Our friends, Ashley and Chris, joined us since Ashley was running the 1/2 Marathon with some co-workers. We ended up having a Valentine's dinner with all our friends and my parents and Aidan and baby Addison at my parents casa. We had a yummy pasta dinner and ended the night with some Chocolate Fondue! It was delish! We had an early night because we all had to meet up at 5:15 a.m. the next morning for the big race. So we had a great time with our friends this weekend and it was a great accomplishment, we will always keep this memory with us forever! Here are some pictures of our Race, enjoy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Aidan really enjoyed Valentines Day this year!! His class at school celebrated by having all the kids come up with creative Valentines Day boxes and they all sat in a circle and took turns passing out their Valentines Day was so cute and sweet! Aidan got all sorts of fun treats and ate so much cookies, cupcakes, lollypops, chocolate, etc.

Here are some pics from his box he made and some pics from his party.

He had so much fun telling everyone "Happy Valentines Day". This was a fun holiday to celebrate with him. He got so many fun little gifts from family and friends too....thank you!!

Hope everyone had a lovely Valentines Day with loved ones!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our Aidan is Growing Up!

Aidan has been 3 for over a month now and still seeks to amaze Allan and I each day! Even with the battles we go through with him on an every other day bases, we still couldn't imagine life without him! :) As for "battles" I'm talking about him thinking he's the boss and forgetting he's the 3 year old in this house. lol He is a very strong willed little 3 year old and knows what he wants! But Aidan is also very polite and very compassionate when it comes to people and their feelings. Here are some things about Aidan now that he is the big 3 year old:

-OBSESSED with bugs! Rolly Polly's are his #1. He has 3 bug cages and when he catches a new rolly polly, he names them.....Fluffy, Flow, The Man, etc.

-No more "passie"! As of Jan. 1 of this year. YAY!

-We think Aidan wants to be a professional Wrestler when he grow up! Loves to wrestle with his friends and gets quite a few time outs at school for it. :(

-Knows letters A-Z

-Counts 1-15 in English, counts 1-10 in Spanish.

-Best Friend at school is Owen, his All-Time Best Bud is Finn.....everyday he wants to go see Finn! :(

-Loves to ride his new "big boy bike" with training wheels.

-Thinks he can roller skate but falls 99% of the time.

-Loves Art time...loves to cut, glue, paint, color, glitter, etc.
-Still a huge fan of music time....we jam out every night before bed with his guitar, keyboard, drums and microphone. Favorite Song right now is "Scooby Doo".

So those are a few things Aidan is up to these days. Today it's supposed to be another sunny 73 degree day, so we are going to head out to the park, go pick up our Spurs Basketball tickets, and work on finishing his Valentine's Box for school tomorrow. He is so excited about making his box and giving out his Star Wars Valentine's tomorrow.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Today is my sister and husband's 1st year Wedding Anniversary! Congratulations you two!! I hope for many, many more years of love and happiness for the two of you! We love you two so much! Enjoy your day and glad ya'll had a nice romantic weekend in Marfa, TX. Can't wait to see your pictures.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I am so ecstatic that my Best Friend that I have known since our stroller days has finally moved to the same great state that I live in.....TEXAS!! Carey moved to Dallas last Sunday from Tampa, Florida!! She has transferred with Dillard's Corporate Office and starts on Monday. She has already made a road trip to San Antonio to visit me and my family! And I'm headed up there later this month to check out her new place and surroundings. :)

Carey, I wish you the best with your new position and new life in Dallas!! We will get to see a whole lot of each other now!!! YAY!! Love you!