Friday, October 30, 2009

Maddox is 2 Months Old!!

Maddox is 2 month old!!! As you can see he is so much more alert and has gotten so big. He is smiling all the time and loves to coo when you hold him. He's getting a little better at night but still not sleeping through the night yet...he wakes up twice during the night and early morning.
He goes in for his 2 month old appointment on Monday, so we will know his weight and height then...we do know he is growing, he is wearing 6 month clothes!! I had to bag up all his newborn and 3 month old clothes and give it to Andy and Allyson for their baby boy that is due in January.

I took the little boys to Austin last weekend...that was our first overnight trip since Maddox was born. We went home for Mimi's birthday. We had a nice time visiting everyone. The car ride was okay. It's hard to travel with a newborn, so we probably won't be doing that too much until Maddox is older. We will be going back next weekend for Allyson's baby shower and Uncle Anthony's 18th birthday party and then head home for a couple of days for Thanksgiving and that's probably it for the year.
Well, we have lots to do before all our Halloween Festivities begin this afternoon....Aidan and I are about to make some Halloween cookies for his school Trick or Treat Party tonight, Nana and Papaw come in this evening to stay with us, we are going to Hallo-scream at Sea World this afternoon, Aidan's party tonight, tomorrow headed to the Zoo, then Mimi and Poppy come in town, we have Aidan's soccer game at 2 and then headed to Jim and Barb's for their Halloween Party and trick or treating with the kiddos. So much fun!! I will be blogging about our fun on Sunday!

Have a fun but safe Halloween Weekend everyone!
Love ya!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Maddox has just started to smile the past two weeks and I finally got 2 on camera TODAY!! He's such a sweetie!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wooooo PIG Sooooieeeeee!

My Boys had to represent yesterday as The Razorbacks beat Auburn 44 to 23!!
Wooo Pig Sooieee, RAZORBACKS!!

Maddox is 6 Weeks Old!

Maddox is 6 weeks old as of yesterday!! He's getting SO big! Here are some pictures of him at 5 weeks and 6 weeks.
We are having so much fun getting to know him still! He is our pride and joy and enjoy watching him grow. Aidan is such a wonderful big brother! He truely loves Maddox and Maddox loves him. Maddox loves to just stare at Aidan and Aidan loves to tell Maddox stories....especially Jack and The Bean Stock. They are too cute!
We went to Maddox's 1 month Doctor's appointment...HE HAS GROWN!! He weighs 12lbs and is 23 inches long....we didn't get his percentile, but have a feeling it's pretty high since his doctor walked into the room and said, "Maddox is one big boy for 1 month old." LOL

Aidan and His Soccer Team...The Penguins

Aidan is playing fall soccer with the YMCA this year. His team name is The Penguins. There are 10 little 3 year old boys on his team. And they are all sooo cute! Aidan is enjoying it so far....he really likes meeting the new kids on his team and having new friends. He gets real excited during the games and sometimes just starts running circles, falling down, kicks the ball in the wrong's quite humerous. They have practice every Wednesday night at 5:30 and games every Saturday until November 21st. The first game on October 3rd was cancelled due to rain and they played this past Saturday and lost to The Star Wars team. But they still had fun.
Allan is the assistant coach this fall. He didn't sign up to be, but our coach is new and needs Allan was nominated to help out. He's enjoying helping out and seems to get the kids to listen. If anyone ever wants to come to a game, come on down.....the boys are so cute and it's so fun to watch them run around.....some even cry and just sit on the ground and don't play, LOL. Hopefully The Penguins will win a game this season.

Aidan getting ready for his game.
Aidan's "Rapper" pose.

Water Break


Running to warm up

Go Aidan!!
Aidan practicing with his bud.
Coach coach has to be out on the field during the game.
Go Team Go! (we are black and white)

Good Game Tunnel

Allan The Chef

Bobby Flay AKA Allan Braxdale made this delicious meal this past Tuesday night. My parents came to visit and to help out with the boys and Allan wanted to cook one of his favorite dinners! A Cowboy Ribeye, Garlic smashed potatos, fresh grilled green beans, and a salad. It was yummy!
Allan's favorite chef is Bobby Flay. Last year for his birthday he got his first Bobby Flay cook book. This past month he has made lots of new recipes from his cook book. I'm a very lucky gal to have a husband who likes to cook new gourmet recipes for her! We both can't wait to have a bigger kitchen some day and do some major cooking....that is something we both have in common, we LOVE TO COOK. :)