Monday, June 28, 2010

Daddy Day....June 20th

The boys and I headed down to San Antonio on Saturday of Father's Day weekend.  Allan had class on Saturday, so we came into town after he was done.  We decided to head downtown for some fun.  We first stopped at the Children's Museum and played for a while.  Then we headed down to the River Walk and had dinner at The Rain Forest Cafe....the boys LOVE it there.  :)  Then we went out for some ice cream...(Daddy's favorite) then rented a movie and headed home. 
Sunday we woke up and went to Mass, came home put Maddox down for his morning nap and Allan and Aidan heade to Chuck E. Cheese to play some games while I cleaned Allan's Bachelor Pad....I cleaned his bathroom, changed his sheets, dusted, did his laundry, packed his lunch for Monday, got his gym bag ready for Monday, just did some random nice things for him.  :)  Then we headed to the pool for a few hours when Maddox woke and then went to dinner at Fire Bowl....another favorite of Daddy's.  Then the boys and I had to say our Good-Byes and headed back to Austin Sunday night. 

We love you Daddy and think you are #1!!  We miss you so much!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Maddox is 9 Months!

Maddy turned 9 months on May 29th.  Is growing like a weed.  Still in the 95th percentile for height and weight.  :)  He weighs 24 lbs and is pretty much off baby food and eating big people food!!  Loves cottage cheese, cheerios, Ritz crackers, applesauce, strawberries, watermelon, cantelope, bananas, peas, and carrots.  He's a snacker and can't get enough of his Gerber Cheezy Puffs!!  lol  He's still a happy lil boy and loves life.  He just started waving Bye-Bye last night and clapping!  I posted a video a couple of posts down... check it out.  Still crawling and getting into everything....Mimi thinks he will be walking in the next month...I'm hoping she's wrong.  :)  He's been enjoying life in Austin but missing his Daddy lots.  He still only has his two bottom teeth but have a feeling that his top ones will be showing anyday now....he's been teething bad this week.

Sorry I'm just now getting this post up along with the other long over due ones....but hopefully I will be up to date by tomorrow.  :)

Momma's Day

Thanks to the most wonderful boys in the world, I had a fabulous Mother's Day.  Allan rented us a Beach House in Port A for a few days.  It was perfect!  We had a kitchen so we cooked dinner both nights and didn't even leave the place except once and that was to go get a coffee one morning that Maddox decided to get up super early.  :) 
We played all day at the beach and wore the boys out...they wore us out too.  It was so much fun, we can't wait for our next trip to the beach as a family.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Maddy says BYE-BYE

Tonight I was feeding Maddox and all of a sudden he stuck his arm/hand in the air and just started waving it and saying was so stinking cute.  We got all excited and then I realized Daddy wasn't here to see it, so I grabbed my camera and recorded it for him.  So here you go Daddy...your baby boy is growing up so fast!  We miss you!!

Aidan's T-Ball End of the Season Partay!

The Ranger's ended their season at the end of May.  They had their "End of Season Party" at Chuck E. Cheese with a Trophy Ceremony.  The boys had a blast.  Aidan got "Hustler" of the team......maybe because he would run all over the field to catch the ball.   A couple of times this season the coaches would have to draw a circle around Aidan and tell him he needed to stay in his circle.  HAHAHA  It was too cute.  He loved to run from 1st Base all the way over to 3rd Base to get the ball. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Husband is a Lawyer....well, almost! ALLAN'S GRADUATION!!

William Allan Braxdale graduated from St. Mary's University School of Law on May 15th, 2010!!

It was a very nice ceremony. Allan's parents, Mama and Gregg, Pawpaw, Michael and Carey, my parents, Anthony, Nick and Christy, myself and the two boys were there to see the day we've been waiting for 3 years!

This was such a special day....I can't believe it's already been here and over with. Seems just like yesterday he started Law School.....okay, not really. LOL I am so proud of Allan for this amazing accomplishment in his life! He is such a dedicated husband, daddy, and student! He is now busy preparing for the Texas Bar. He has been taking a course at school for the past month and is studying, studying, studying. Please keep him in your prayers when he takes the Bar July 27, 28, and 29th.

Below are some pictures from his ceremony and then some pictures from the Farewell Fiesta Luncheon at his school the week before Graduation.