Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Craft for The Day...A Diaper Wipie Case!

So after finding out that "I just need to hang in there, Andrea" at my 39 week doctor appointment I decided to be crafty. Don't ask me why...not sure if it's because I'm nesting or that all my friends are back to work and I feel I need to do something besides lay on the couch and put my feet up. After the doc, I went and got me a dozen donut holes and a chocolate covered donut and a diet coke and headed to Hobby Lobby and Jo-Anns Fabric! And this is what I created below!
Preggo friends, you will be getting one! And if anyone else would like one, let me know. :)
Below is just the first one I's not perfect but I think it's cute flare for my travel wipes in my diaper bag.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Aidan all ready for his 1st day...check out his Star Wars Lunch Box.

My cutie pie!

Aidan being silly with his shaving cream in the tub!
Aidan getting his "Hair-Did" for his 1st day of Pre-School!

Aidan started his first day as a Pre-Schooler today! He is now longer a "Tiny Turtle" Early Learner he is now a "Lady Bug" Pre-schooler.
He was so excited this morning for school and couldn't wait to see all his old friends! This year he will be going Tuesday's and Thursday's 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
His teacher's name is Ms. Smith and she has 2 assistants. They will learn all sorts of new/fun things this year....Calendar, Music and Movement, Hands-On Math, Language and Liturature, Art, Science, Graphing skills, etc.
We are so thrilled that Aidan is in this program and continue to love his school! The staff is amazing and they all love Aidan! :)

Allan's Trip to Chicago

Mike and Allan at the US Patent Office in D.C.

Mike and Allan at Harry Caray's Restaurant during the Cub's game

Allan got to venture off to CHI-TOWN this summer for a job interview for a potential job after he graduates. (He hasn't heard back, so keep saying prayers that something positive happens) Anyways, he got to meet up with a former St. Mary's University Law Student/Friend, Mike Scapin! Allan and Mike became friends their first year of Law School, then Mike transferred to California their 2nd year, but Allan and him keep in touch. Mike is actually from Chicago so this trip worked out perfect....Allan had one interview and the rest of his 3 days he got to see some sights of Chicago with Mike!
Allan and Mike made some "Cub" purchases for Aidan and Maddox...they are now hooked up with Cub jersey's and hats and Maddox got some onesies. The Cub's need to keep playing well!!

Allan had a great time there and can't wait to go back...he wants to take a family trip back there soon. Which I would love to do because that is where my Dad's from and his family so I haven't been there in years! Here are a couple of pix Allan took on his mini-trip.

Swim Lessons Summer 2009

Aidan attended Swim Lessons with his best friend, Finn, this summer in Austin at the YMCA. They were in the PIKE class. Mimi signed him up while we were in New Hampshire and he was all excited....until he went and did not like them! :( This was shocking because since we had been back from New Hampshire we were going to the pool everyday and Aidan LOVED being at the pool and swimming with his floaties!
He liked being with Finn but he did not really like participating and always said he was "COLD"...yes my child said he was cold when the tempature was in the 100's. ??!!! Crazy, I know. Well, he continued all 2 weeks of class and then on the very last day of class he was jumping in all by himself, going under water and holding his breath, kicking, moving his arms....his teachers came over before class started because they saw him do all this in the shallow and they were so SHOCKED, as I was too! He ended up having his best day his last day of class.....go figure! LOL And now all he talks about is swim lessons and how he can't wait to do it again. Thanks Mimi for getting Aidan in your Y's swim lessons this summer...he learned a lot!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Boys and Their Dallas Cowboys!

Allan was so excited that the Dallas Cowboys had their Pre-Season Training Camp right here in San Antonio! He went out and bought Aidan a Romo jersey and they headed downtown to the Alamo Dome to watch their favorite NFL football team practice up for their 2009 Season! Aidan LOVED every moment of their practice and loves trying to do "The Cowboys" Drills at the house. Here are some pics from the boys little adventure. Hope the Cowboys have a great season!