Sunday, September 20, 2009

Maddox is 1 Week Old Today!

 I thought I'd be updating my blog at least once a week, but honestly I haven't had much of a chance to write anything. Imagine that, right?! A 3 1/2 year old and a newborn and a husband that is in his last year of law school in and out of the house like a senior in high school.....don't get too much of "Andrea Time" any more. LOL While Maddox is taking a nap, and Allan and Aidan are at school I thought I could write a little bit about life at "The Braxdale's" these days.

It is officially a month since Maddox was born!! We are enjoying every moment with him! Aidan loves his "baby"...that is what he calls Maddox, his baby. Too cute! We are still very sleep deprived...Maddox doesn't have his nights down just yet....we are still praying and hoping he learns that soon. :) We are averaging 3-4 hours a night....NOT FUN! But I'm getting the hang of it. He is starting to look around a lot, holding his head up, but still loves to be held, sleep during the day, and PIG OUT! This kid LOVES to eat, it cracks us up...we call him "Piggy"....he sounds sort of like a pig too with all his snorting and grunting. He is truely a blessing and we are loving every moment with him!

Aidan has been such a great helper...he likes to give Maddox a bottle, he'll throw diapers away for me, get me things like burp cloths, pasie, blanket, etc. He's mommy's big boy helper! He's adjusting well...don't get me wrong, we have our rough days with him and his fits, but past couple of days have been good days. :) He likes being a big bro!

Starting to get out of the house a little more these days....parks, starbucks, walks around our neighborhood, trips up to daddy's school to say hi in the parking lot. Nothing too crazy. We have had lots of visitors!! It's been REALLY nice because I actually didn't leave the house that much for 4 weeks, so seeing family and friends was/are GREAT!! It's actually a blessing my Mom isn't working this year, she has been down here so much since Maddox was born and has helped us out so much, Thanks Mom for everything! Thanks everyone for helping out and all the nice gifts and dinners...we are truely blessed with the most wonderful Family and Friends! We love you all!
Oh BTW, you can check out some of my sister's fabulous work...she took newborn photos of Maddox 2 weekends ago. I Hearth Photography THANKS MEL!!! We LOVE them!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Born: 8/29/09 at 12:38 p.m.
7lbs 13 oz
19 1/2 inches

Our precious gift from God is here and doing well!! Maddox was born a week ago from today....yes I'm a little late on my blog but I'm sure ya'll understand I've been a little bit busy. :) If you haven't checked out my sister's blog, please do so now: Those are truely the best photos of our little Maddox!

The pictures below are of friends and family that stopped by the hospital to say hello....Katie Schwarz, Allan told me he got a picture of you holding Maddox but I could not find it on my camera. :( Sorry!! Thanks to everyone that came to the Hospital to visit us and to see Maddox, that was so nice of you all!! We have great friends and family!!

I'll be blogging more soon. Need to catch up on some sleep!!