Monday, April 12, 2010

Play Ball!

Well opening day for the Braundera YMCA t-ball season has came and went and Aidan enjoyed every minute of it. Here are just a few pictures of The Rangers and Aidan's first t-ball game! He paid very close attention and hustled on the field (you will notice this when he beats the pitcher to a slow roller hit towards the mound . . . Aidan was playing shortstop!). It was very fun to watch and the kids are just hilarious. Aidan says he just likes to hit, but I secretly think he likes to catch the ball too! (Check out the end of the video below where Aidan does his "I caught the ball Daddy!" dance).

Aidan running in to score!

Aidan getting ready to make the play!

Aidan waiting for the next hit!

Aidan saying hello to his fans in the crowd!

Aidan making the play and then doing his I caught the ball dance!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Aidan's Easter Egg Hunt at his School

Aidan's class mates getting ready for the Egg Hunt

And they are off.....
They are looking...

Maddos wishes he could participate
Aidan and his BF Nate looking at their eggs and eating their treats

Nate and Aidan
There is one egg left.....
Maddox found it, YAY!!
And he ate it

Aidan and Alejandro

Aidan's school at their annual Easter Egg Hunt last Thursday. Allan, Maddox and myself got to go and hang out with him and his friends during the hunt. Here are some pictures. This was the first of 4 Egg Hunts he had this weekend. He LOVE Easter Egg Hunts!! He had a blast!